服務及免責條款 Terms & Conditions and Disclaimer

1. 所有印刷品以本公司之色彩管理標準為準,請勿以螢幕或打印紙稿件作準。

Color Standard of all printed materials should refer to our standard in color management; Please do not refer to the standard on any monitor, screen or printed manuscript.

2. 所有印刷品本身都存在某程度上之色差。在合理的色差情況下,客戶不應以此為理由要求任何重印、折扣或退款。本公司將一概不予受理。而本公司亦設有色彩管理,以維持色差在合理水平之內。

All printing of color do exist color variance to certain extent. Under reasonable color variance, customer should not use this as reason and ask for any reprints, discount or refund. Label Express will not accept those requests. The Company has its own color management to ensure that all printing colors are within reasonable levels.

3. 若稿件上印有Barcode 條碼,本公司不能保證條碼內的資料能讀取正常。

Should there be any Barcode printed on the manuscript, cannot guarantee that the information in the bar code can be read normally.

4. 如有退換,只包括退換同款產品,不得以此為由更換產品款式、內容、規格及尺寸。

In case of reprint is necessary, only same products can be returned in any circumstances, no refund nor change of products, content, design nor specifications would be accepted.

5 退貨須知:有瑕疵而欲退貨時,請於七日內提出,並需保持退回物品的完整性,如數量、包裝、或附件皆須與落單內容一致,否則恕不予以退貨或銷帳。

Should customer wish to return any flawed product, all requests must be made within seven days, and all returned goods must be in good conditions & description like quantity / packaging / accessories must be consistent with the invoice. Otherwise, no refund shall be made nor there will be any written off.


For any order claim, we will only reprint the order or refund the relevant amount. We are not liable for any other losses caused by using our services.

7. 客戶需要自行安排所有退貨之運送,本公司恕不予安排回收。

Customers are required to arrange all returns delivery.

8. 客戶經網頁上載之檔案,本公司只保存3個月。

Label Express would only keep the electronic files of customers not more than 3 months.

9. 帳戶: 任何編配及提供與閣下之登入編號或密碼 (下稱〝用戶號碼〞)均為供閣下用於個人或商業用途。閣下對所有經用戶號碼發出的所有聲明及所做的所有行為負責。閣下同意在當用戶號碼遺失或被盜,或保密性被侵犯時立即知會Label Express。閣下明確同意Label Express基於提醒閣下密碼、維持向你提供服務及/或遵照法院及/或政府部門合法要求時進入閣下帳戶

Account: Any allocation and provide login ID or password (hereinafter referred to as "User ID") are used for personal or commercial purposes. Subscriber or owner of such login account is made responsible for all statements and all acts. Subscriber will agree that when the user number is lost or stolen, or when confidentiality is violated, the account holder must immediately inform Label Express. Account holder also expressly agrees that Label Express based on password reminding and for the purpose to maintain our service and / or in accordance with an aggregate courts and / or government legal requirements to enter your account.

10. 就貴客使用本公司的服務,貴客保證印刷品不包含任何未經版權持有人授權的文字、圖像、設計、商標、貨幣及鈔票或任何受版權保護的作品;貴客保證印刷品不會侵犯任何第三方的任何權利,包括版權、商標、宣傳、私隠,不會誹謗或詆毀任何第三方,以及已獲得所有必需的授權或權限將第三方的材料加入貴客的作品;貴客保證已獲得所有必需的權限、權利和授權下訂單,並授權本公司印製貴客的作品;如有需要本公司將要求客戶出示有關之權限授權書以作核實。

Customers guarantee that the printing content does not include any printed matter without authorization of the copyright holder text, images, designs, trademarks, currency and bank note or any of the copyrighted work; customers to ensure prints will not infringe any third party rights, including copyright, trademark, publicity, privacy and will not libel or defame any third party, and has obtained all necessary authorizations or permissions for third-party material into works of customers; customers guarantee that they have obtained all necessary permissions, rights and authorization of orders, and to authorize the printing of customers’ work; Label Express will request the customer to submit or produce relevant authority authorization for verification if necessary.

11. 若客戶所提供之印刷品內容涉及或可能涉及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行法律之印刷內容等,本公司將保留拒絕印刷之權利。在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,本公司亦不會就印刷品之內容向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任。

If customer provided any printed contents which may involve defamation, invasion of privacy, counterfeit, copy, reproduce, intellectual property infringement, indecent, obscene, infringe any third party rights, currency and bank note or breach of our laws, and other printed matter, The Company reserves the rights to refuse in printing. With the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Company also will not be responsible or liable for the contents user nor any third party.

12. 貴客承諾,若任何人、集團或機構就 (i) 貴客違反上述服務條款;或 (ii) 任何貴客交由本公司印製的產品中的文字、照片、圖像、圖形或其他材料等內容涉及或可能涉及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行法律的情況,而提出任何形式的訴訟、索賠、通知或採取的任何行動,將彌償本公司及其董事、管理人員和員工所遭受的任何損失,包括但不限於相關的索賠、損失、成本和合理之律師費用。

Customer undertakes that if any person, group or institution for (i) breach of the terms of service; or (ii) any customers products in printed text, photos, images, graphics, or other materials covering or may be involved defamation, invasion of privacy, counterfeit, copy, reproduce, intellectual property infringement, indecent, obscene, infringe any third party rights, currency and bank note or violate our laws, the situation, and to make any form of litigation, claims, notification or take any action that will indemnify the Company and its directors, officers and employees for any losses suffered, including but not limited to the relevant claims, losses, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.

13. 本公司擁有任何是否打印或生產之最終決定權。

Label Express withholds the rights to make final decision on producing or printing of any files or materials from customer.

14. 一般退款需時2星期完成。

The whole refund process will take 2 weeks to process and complete

15. 退款只會以支票形式支付,並以客戶戶口登記名字為受款人 (故戶口登記名稱必須與銀行戶口相乎)。

Refund will be made by cheque only and payable to the registered name that used in opening Label Express account. (Bank account registered name will be necessary to correspondent with his/her e-print account registered name)

16. 本公司只會按照合理的退款要求辦理退款,戶口持有人應遵照戶口開設時的規條 (服務及免責條款 - 帳戶),把戶口資料保密,以確保使用者的真確性及日後可能就有關而引發的責任問題。

The company will cater all reasonable refund requests. Hence, account holder should follow all terms when opening an account with the company (Terms & Conditions and Disclaimer – Account). Keeping confidentiality of all account information, ensure the authenticity of the account user and the possibilities of any liability issues that might be triggered in the future

17. 所有退款申請客戶必須填寫「退款申請表」,所有從退款申請而收集之個人資料只供公司內部退款運作用途,並不會牽涉其他商業活動。

All refund requests require refund application form for processing, any personal data that collected from the refund process is strictly using for internal and refund purpose, and will not involve any commercial nor promotion activities.

18. 若客戶在要求辦理退款手續時,本公司會要求與戶口開設名稱不相乎之人士出示証明或其他文件以核實其戶口使用權及身份。如客戶拒絕有關合理要求時,本公司會停止其退款要求,直至戶口使用人身份得以核實。

Should the account registered name with Label Express is non-correspondence with the refund applicant's name, the company reserves the rights to request such applicant to provide identity proof or relevant documents for verification. And the company reserves the rights to cease processing or considering any refund application when the applicant identity cannot be verified.



* Final terms and conditions shall prevail Chinese version from website